It’s impossible to think of everything. So it’s really great when help is at hand – for instance, with the washing. That’s why your washing machine will send push notifications to your mobile device if you wish, telling you about the current progress of your appliance. After all, there are more important things in life, and you don’t want to think about your washing all the time.
Washers and Dryers with Bosch Home Connect

The only smart alec you will actually like – your washing machine.
Thanks to the Home Connect function, you’ll never need to ask mum how to do the washing again. Your washing machine has all the answers – with Easy Start. It always recommends the best programme, and can make life easier for you.

There was a time when everything had to be washed by hand. Now you just need a single finger.
Don’t let your washing control you. The new washing machines with the Home Connect function can be easily controlled and monitored remotely – conveniently from your mobile device. So you’ll be the master of your washing, not the other way round.
It won’t just clean your laundry – it will also simplify your life.

It’s good to have questions. It’s even better to have answers.
Here you’ll find some frequently asked questions and answers about Home Connect.

You can trust us – we’re invented for life.
To use the new home appliances from Bosch with Home Connect capability, you need a smartphone or tablet with Wi-Fi. The Home Connect app for these appliances can be downloaded for free from the App Store or the Google Play Store.*
Home Connect is a service of the Home Connect GmbH.

You can control our smart devices with your smartphone. And our smart services too.
An all-round smart solution: Home Connect even helps you with your Bosch home appliances if something doesn’t work 100%. The Home Connect app provides you with helpful tips and tricks that should answer most of your questions. If not, the Home Connect hotline will put you directly through to our customer service who are always ready to provide you with the right options and solutions. And if necessary one of our Bosch service technicians can come to your home and take care of the problem. Competent, quick and easy.
* The iOS and Android versions of the Home Connect app differ in regard to functionality, depending on the version. For more information, please see the app details in the App Store or the Google Play Store.