Out with the old and in with the new — it’s that time again when we give our abode a deep clean and declutter to make space for the new year! If you’ve been putting it off due to a busy schedule, here are our tips to achieving a sparkling clean home in half the time.

1. Declutter before cleaning
If you rarely deep clean your home, chances are, clutter would have built up over the past year. Before you spend time cleaning items you’d throw out later anyway, start organising first. Give this cleaning method a shot: consider whether each item makes you happy. If not, it may be time to get rid of it.
The kitchen is another important area to declutter. Wiping down the fridge and cupboards will be much easier after disposing of food that have expired.

2. Gear up in advance
To avoid wasting precious time searching for your cleaning products, round up all the tools of the trade first so you’ll have quick access to them.
Some basic items you’ll need are multi-purpose cleaner, mop, vacuum cleaner, cleaning cloths, furniture polish and rubber gloves.
3. Leverage your washing machine functions
While spring cleaning, your curtains and sofa covers need some care too! Make use of the multiple washing machine functions for a more efficient wash.
For example, selected front-load washing machines from our range feature the VarioPerfect programme, which reduces wash time by 65% without compromising on wash quality, and uses 20% less energy.

4. Multi-task with the dishwasher
A dishwasher makes it easy to multi-task — while you are busy with other chores, simply load your dirty dishes into the dishwasher and let it do the work!
Take this opportunity to also run maintenance wash on an empty load. It takes almost no time at all: simply choose the handy Machine Care program with the highest rinse temperature and add in our Bosch dishwasher cleaner to remove any grease and limescale build-ups. Repeat every 3 months to keep your dishwasher running at its best!